Mining Costs and Safety

What is Mine Safety

Mining comes with danger. Although everyone knows it, not everyone acts on it. Every day around the world, miners die from the lack of safety at their work. And yet, mine safety is still not a certainty. No one can say mines are safe, to begin with, because of explosions, fires, floods, poisoning, and so on. But what is sure, is that employers have a duty of care towards their employees. Only then can mines be safe for them.

How to ensure safety in mines?

With the new knowledge and technology, it is now easier and faster to make mine work less dangerous. This duty of care includes lights, signs and following restrictions. The International Labour Organization (ILO), regrouped all knowledge and practices for mine safety in convention 176. This is a complete guide on how to keep employees safe and sane. C176 allows them to know the dangers, to refuse work if too dangerous, and to have a say in decisions about their health. Unfortunately, only 33 countries signed the convention. There are many ways to prevent risks, but accidents can still happen, especially in mining. If this is the case, owning a reliable alarm system to communicate quickly and loudly, can save countless lives.

Why Hazavoid?

Hazavoid is a fully wireless system. This means there are no dangers or difficulties from cables. Users can mount on poles both the Hazavoid Wireless Alarm System and the Hazavoid Wireless Alert Beacon System. Doing this means they will reach more people while being able to set them in any location. The two systems work hand in hand to provide the most complete protection. The Wireless Alarm is personalisable with different sounds and voiceovers. The Wireless Alert Beacon has different colors available for different needs and sites. Hazavoid provides easy-to-use and affordable solutions so employees do not have to give up their safety.

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